Going On My PK Walk

Pk looking for a place to mark her territory as she traipsed through the Perennial Geraniums.
Pk looking for a place to mark her territory as she traipsed through the Perennial Geraniums.

So yesterday I went on my walk with Mormor’s dog PK, we went all around the gated community. When I walk, I try to find fun things to take pics of as I go because it makes the walks fun. So here’s what I saw yesterday in God’s wonderful creation…

First, a festive tree fruit, called Yangmei or Myrica rubra an Asian fruit which is indigenous to China and Japan and you can make juice with it. There are two types one is sweet and one is sour. I however didn’t taste this so I’m not sure which one is in the community I live in but it’s very festive and the color is vibrant and perfect for fall.

Yangmei Fruit or Myrica Rubra.
Yangmei Fruit or Myrica Rubra.
Fuchsia Tea Rose.
Fuchsia Tea Rose.

Then Tea Roses, are blooming now like dandelions and are just gorgeous to gaze at. Here is one bush I always go back to because it produces some of the prettiest colored roses. And this bush never disappoints.


Also, the Heirloom Rose is a beauty, it looked like it had just been washed and made camera ready. Fall is just as beautiful as summer but in a somber way.

Heirloom Rose.
Heirloom Rose.

Then I wait all year for these lovely Maple Trees to start turning yellow and red and even a bit purple in places, it’s an amazing site to see these trees turn into gold and red light. Just brilliant, and to know these trees are actually dying makes it kind of bittersweet to watch this transformation happen.

Maple Trees in their beautiful decline.
Maple Trees in their beautiful decline.
Maple Blaze Tree.
Maple Blaze Tree.



Lastly, the Maple Blaze Tree, it has a bit smaller leaf but is just as beautiful as the Maple Tree. These trees are all over Sacramento, and brighten up the city in fall. It’s such a pretty contrast against the pretty blue sky. Happy November.

Picky About Customer Service

99 cent store/image: canyon-news.com
99 cent store/image: canyon-news.com

Upturned Noses ~ Even the most laid back and egalitarian among us can be insufferable snobs when it comes to coffee, music, cars, beer, or any other pet obsession where things have to be just so. What are you snobbish about?

When I’m standing in a long line at the check out stand, for instance at a 99cent store and there are only 2 cash registers open, I get annoyed because of all the places that you shouldn’t have to wait this is one of them. Why? Because I’m buying things for $1, and it’s not rocket science to add up $1 purchases.  Also, when this store is making a killing on the things they sell, I think to myself, “they can’t afford to hire a few more people to work the rush hour times, for the customer’s convenience? The other day I was waiting in line and it wrapped around and down an isle so I politely put the sunglasses I wanted to buy back and left the store. There were about 10 people in front of me and five behind, and as far as I’m concerned that was 10 too many waiting for one cashier. So when I left I saw 2 cashier’s out on breaks smoking cigarettes, I thought this is bad management and they won’t get my dollars today!!!

What’s Really Going On, With American Cinema?

In the last decade or so, I’ve observed that more and more American films with American characters are mostly foreigners playing these roles. Some of the old familiar American faces have all but disappeared into digital movie static and I’m not sure what this is all about? Is it because we don’t have very good American actors available anymore or is American acting not convincing anymore? It’s very puzzling and there is definitely a deficiency in the American acting queue of late.Read More »

My Blog Just Turned Two!!!

So today marks my second blog anniversary with WordPress. That’s exciting, having been blogging for a little over 2 years, I started blogging with Google’s Blogspot. But over time I decided it would be better if I tried WordPress.Read More »

Happening Now

Writer’s Block Party: When was the last time you experienced writer’s block? What do you think brought it about — and how did you dig your way out of it?

It’s funny this is the topic question because, I’m having writer’s block now and can I just say it isn’t a party. I’ve had it since the beginning of the year and without these prompts I think my blog would just turn into a movie review blog. I think my problem stems from, my daughter getting married last year. So yes I will blame it on her. Since she doesn’t need my help and she is with her husband, and I my writing material has just dried up.

The great thing that is happening in a few weeks is, I’m going on vacation to Southern CA. My hometown, to visit old friends and see the sights from my childhood. Which should help me get back on track. I’m going to be taking an enormous amount of pics so my material should be fresh. I may even go see a movie at the landmark theater in Hollywood, The Chinese Theater, to take pics and remind myself of how fun it was to go there as a kid back in the day. Maybe I will also see the Hollywood sign and visit the Observatory on the hill. I’m excited and I hope to have more to write about soon.

33 Postcards**

Z. Lin, 33 Postcards/image: aidyreview.net
Z. Lin, 33 Postcards/image: aidyreview.net

I watched this movie on Amazon Streaming the other day and thought it was a great foreign film. It was very sweet, quirky, and interesting. I really enjoyed the cultural contrasts and seeing what lower middle class Australia might look like.Read More »

Is This Really Happening Right Now?

Daily Prompt ~ It turns out that your neighbor on the plane/bus/train (or the person sitting at the next table at the coffee shop) is a very, very chatty tourist. Do you try to switch seats, go for a non-committal brief small talk, or make this person your new best friend?Read More »

Mother’s Day, Learning To Keep My Behavior Excellent

McKinley Park 2
East Sacramento, CA. McKinley Park.

Mother’s day started out quite different from most, usually you spend them with your biological family. Well my daughter and son-in-law changed things up. Instead of my daughter taking me out with her husband Matt in toe, Matt took me out on his own. It was nice to just hangout with Matt and get to know him better, and see his heart for God shine so brightly. I’m very pleased with how much he’s grown since meeting him a little over a year ago. He is becoming the man of God that I prayed for 21 years ago for Lani and I’m grateful.Read More »

WPC: Spring!!!

For this week’s challenge, share a photo which describes what spring means to you. It can be a flower in bloom (or a field of them!), a May Day celebration, or even some kids enjoying the sun after a long winter indoors.

Okay, so this is an easy challenge this week for me. Spring, is great because babies are born, flowers are blooming and I’m so excited to take pics of all of it!!! So here we go…


Yellow and Orange daisies
Yellow and Orange Daisies

These are so lovely this time of year, it’s amazing the way God shows his artistry during spring!!!

Brand new baby foal, 9 days old by his mommy.
Brand new baby foal, 9 days old by his mommy.

Here is an adorable foal, he was kind of bashful 9 days out of her mommies belly.  This is my friends daughter Suzy’s ranch Rainbow Equus Meadows.

IMG_20140503_134109This baby chick was bought from a chick and incubator, (no mommy)  and then put under a hen at Suzy’s ranch and the hen adopted it. It was precious to see the hen not wanting to get off the chick keeping it warm under her feathers. While she clucked softly, Suzy picked up the chick to show us. I should have taken a pic of the foster mom hen as well.

pink rose
Fuschia rose




And finally, these beautiful roses, don’t know the exact names, because there are over 2000 types; but oh so wonderful to smell and marvel at. ~ Musings&Rants

Pink, white and yellow rose
Pink, white and yellow rose